Let's Start at the Very Beginning
The adoption process starts with a lot of important questions. Your Adoptive Family provides consultation services to help you to understand the Adoption Process from beginning to end, including but not limited to following:
- Type of Adoption-Domestic, International or foster to adopt
- Homestudy Process
- Drug and alcohol use during pregnancy
- Trans-racial adoption
- Infant and older child adoption
- LGBTQIA+ adoption
- Single parent adoption
- What agency and/or attorney to use
- What to do while you are waiting
- What to do once you have been matched
- What happens if you adopt from a state other than the state you reside in
- What happens once the baby is born
- What happens in the hospital
- When do we get to take the baby home
- What happens once we are home
Your Adoptive Family does not provide legal services and/or legal advice.
Consultation is billed at $155 per session